Monday 17 June 2013


I had a lovely time meeting the Friends2Friends group at Cruck House in Lichfield this morning.
Some of my new friends gather for a photo
We spent an hour chatting over coffee, discussing what type of drama production they would like to do and when to do it. There were lots of ideas from pantomimes to local history stories but eventually the group decided it would be good to devise a piece about Friends2Friends and some of the things they have done since their formation. They decided to aim for a performance as part of their 2nd birthday celebrations in May 2014. They are keen to include some music, comedy and possibly dancing, and there were lots of suggestions as to what Friends2Friends landmarks could be included - they are such an active group there will be no shortage of material!
As a next step, they are going to sketch out a few ideas for scenes which would illustrate what Friends2Friends is all about. As well as using this to celebrate their birthday they also talked about being able to use it as information about the group and maybe performing it elsewhere in Lichfield to raise their profile in the City.
What a lovely bunch of enthusiastic people - I'm really looking forward to visiting them again soon!

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