Monday 11 November 2013

Come and take part in this!

This is an invitation for you to participate in a brand new production being performed at Lichfield Garrick Studio Theatre, May 9th & 10th 2014. We are holding some initial workshops before Christmas for anyone who would like to be involved as actors, musicians or backstage help. Everyone is welcome - if you are unsure if this is for you, then come to the workshops and give it a try!
Based on the theme of the CROSSROADS: The Bible, Burlesque and The Blues .......a piece of theatre that uses the arts of storytelling, blues music and dance to deliver a witty but thought provoking question........................................................what if?
If you would like to come along and be part of this community arts project, led by Lichfield Mysteries and Fired Up Theatre Company then please come along to the workshops:
The Lichfield Room, Wade Street Church, Frog Lane, Lichfield
Tuesday 19th and 26th November 7-30-9-30 pm
Wednesday 11th and 18th December 7-30-9-30 pm
For further details visit:
or email